Friday, October 7, 2016

Marketing to Millennials: Breakfast

             In case you were still on the fence about the impact social media actually has on us millennials, let me give you an example. But first let me introduce myself. My name is Maddy and I am a 22-year-old social media maven enamored with how to be my best self while employing the help of Mother Earth. I’ve recently hopped on the matcha with a side of avocado toast for breakfast train, and I can officially tell you my obsession with this breakfast has come from the countless Instagram posts I’ve Liked from accounts who know me (or we) all too well.  
These accounts are businesses actually advertising to me in disguise. I know this because I just spent my college career learning these same tricks of the trade. Businesses aren’t hard selling me on buying their brand of matcha. Instead, they have other millennials advocating the benefits of their matcha, which forms it is best in, and why they are drinking it.
            A few short months ago I was utterly appalled that someone would drink such a green drink. That is until I began reading one of my favorite websites,, that my interest was piqued. With many a mention in countless articles, matcha shot straight to first in my Google searches. I spent countless hours researching what it was, how it was made, and the most popular forms to enjoy this drink. Instead of simply buying a bag of matcha from the first ad result that popped up, I spent time reading reviews from other millennials and most of all checking social media. I checked different blogs, Twitter accounts, and Instagram accounts of trusted people I’ve followed throughout my quest of incorporating a more natural aspect to my life. The reviews I read acted as gold in my search, ultimately influencing my first matcha purchase.
            My point being is that if you aren’t on social media and getting reviews on social media or are hard selling to me through an impersonal manner, you aren’t on my radar. Which, ultimately you should be. Because I am a millennial, aka the generation of now.

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